Luigi Einaudi, Piemonte
"Einaudi is a name to reckon with in Italy" (Daniel Thomases, The Wine Advocate)
Located in Dogliani, just a few miles from the small town of Barolo, the estate belonging to the family of former Italian president Luigi Einaudi has a well-established reputation for producing high-quality Dolcetto di Dogliani as well as some classic examples of Barolo. Recent land purchases have enabled the production of the prestigious "Barolo nei Cannubi", made from a plot purchased from Fratelli Gancia which produces a very classy, long-lived Barolo. The Luigi Einaudi estate is the oldest wine producing concern in Dogliani. In 1897 the twenty-three year old Luigi Einaudi invested the earnings from his first book to buy up the farmhouse of San Giacomo. As well as including a deconsacrated chapel and a noble eighteenth century residence in ruins, the property also included 15 hectares of Dolcetto vineyards. Over the years, other vineyards have been added to the family portfolio. The vineyards are cultivated by direct employees who live in the nine farmhouses making up the property; each farmhouse is responsible for the running of its own plot, a real working farm among the estates. Paola Einaudi spent her holidays and free time in San Giacomo rubbing shoulders with famous guests of her grandfather who still took a personal interest in his much loved vineyards. A passion he passed on to Paola who for some years now, with Giorgio Ruffo, has taken over the full time running of the estates, following the family tradition and the teaching of the former President: "Innovation with respect for tradition".
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