About Us
A personal message
I discovered wine when I was making a last grand tour of Europe before settling down to a career in law. The old VW camper van inevitably kept breaking down and I found myself with time on my hands in the Loire, Bordeaux and, especially, the Rhône. There were only so many rivers to jump into to cool down in that hot summer so I started tasting wine - real wine, not the stuff I had been buying in the supermarkets. It got me started and I returned to England knowing I would never practise law. I started as a specialist in wines from the Southern Rhône then expanded the list along with my interests to include a range of excellent mid-price Burgundy, Languedoc, Loire... The decision to focus on France initially came about for two main reasons:
Since then, I have succumbed to the allure of Italy and have found some amazing wines from Piedmont, Tuscany and Veneto in particular, all superb wines at affordable prices. Great food wines too so, whatever you are eating, you will find something to match it here. One restriction I place on myself: I buy all our wines direct from the producers and sell by the (mixed) case to offer the best prices throughout the UK for wines of this quality. Wines are stored in a temperature-controlled bonded warehouse so they never suffer overheating and dried-out corks which can so easily spoil good wines bought from shops and supermarkets. As we don't have a shop, our overheads are low which in turn enables us to keep our prices as low as possible. Furthermore, unlike many other internet wine merchants, The Big Red Wine Company will mix cases at no extra charge. Please see our terms and conditions. James Bercovici, Barton Mills, Suffolk |
You must be aged 18 or over to purchase wine. |