The Big Red Wine Company

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Filippo Broccardo, Monforte d'Alba  (Piedmont)

Filippo, Laura and Federica Broccardo have followed the family traditions: respect for the land, passion for a job that never ends, techniques to cultivate vineyards naturally, natural vinification and so on. They have been rewarded for their efforts with a range of high quality wines which are garnering praise whenever anyone tastes them.

£32.00 (Bottle)
£123.00 (6 btls in bond)

2010 Filippo Broccardo Barolo
Everything in place for a classic Barolo. Decanter: 91/100
more details...


See also: Piedmont

You must be aged 18 or over to purchase wine.
© The Big Red Wine Company, Barton Coach House, The Street, Barton Mills, Suffolk IP28 6AA, UK. Tel +44 (0) 1638 510803

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